Grand Knight – Craig Arnold Miller
Financial Secretary – Jeffrey Taylor
Deputy Grand Knight – Robert Covington
Chancellor – Charles LeGuillon
Recorder – William Forshey
Treasurer – Frank Obreza
Advocate – John Brooks
Warden – Peter Mondl
Inside Guard – Charles Heffernan
Outside Guard – Jeffrey Fry
Trustee – Three Year – Paul Wagner
Trustee – Two Year – Michael Breiding
Trustee – One Year – Phillip Scozzaro
Chaplain – Fr. Louis Thomas
Lecturer – Deacon James Stotler
On March 29, 1892, The Knights of Columbus was formed to render financial aid to members and their families. This was initially accomplished through “passing the hat” to assist families of deceased members and as a result brought men together to support and promulgate Catholic initiatives within the church.
Today, we as Knights of Columbus at Prince of Peace still pass the hat…this time in support of local seminarians. Throughout the years, our purpose has remained. Our focus is in serving the needs of our local parish and community while at the same time growing in friendship with those of similar interests. We as Catholic men, along with our wives and children, have made a commitment to Fr. Bob and Prince of Peace to serve the needs of our parish and community.
If you are a practical Catholic man, age 18 or older, we welcome you to join the leading organization of Catholic laymen. Being a Knight is more than camaraderie; it is being involved with your community; it is supporting your local Catholic Church, while enhancing your own faith; it is about protecting and enhancing your family life. Come see just what we are all about.
Call Craig Arnold Miller, GK – 419-233-8200 or click below:
[email protected] or [email protected]
What: Our Knights of Columbus council is sponsoring a Cash Club drawing. Tickets will be good for monthly drawings for an entire year starting in July. Each month, a ticket will be drawn and $100 will be awarded to the winning ticket holder. The winner’s ticket will then be put back into the drum for the following monthly drawing. A maximum of 250 tickets will be sold. Tickets are now on sale for $20 each.
When: Tickets will be sold before and after Mass for the rest of May and all of June. The first drawing will be held in July. If any tickets are remaining, you will be able to purchase them from any Knight until all tickets are sold. If you wait too long to buy, however, you will miss the opportunity to select your own “special number” and will not be entered in the early drawings. Once you have secured a “special number” ticket, it will be renewable for the next drawing year if you choose to do so.
Number of Drawings: There will be a minimum of 12 drawings(one per month), with possible additions based on the number of tickets sold. Winners will be notified by email or telephone at the address or number provided on the ticket stub. Winners will also be published in the church bulletin and on the parish website.
Why: The Knights of Columbus 14111 is raising money for charity and council operations. The Knights raise money to donate to “Measure Up” for the developmentally disabled, the Akron VA Clinic, Coats for Kids, the Fest, matching funds for Catholic education, the Military Chaplain’s fund, Pennies for Heaven(support for Seminarians), and the SVDP Walk for the Poor.